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  • Writer's pictureBobman

Five for Finding - Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Music can't all be unicorns and rainbows. It's nice to have songs to cheer you up and give you an upbeat Walking On Sunshine feeling, but that's not always the most honest approach to life. In an era of doom scrolling and 24-hour social and traditional media hate, fear-mongering, and fabrication for attention and political power, Happy by Pharrell Williams isn't going to make things right. Sometimes you need darkness in your music to balance out the darkness in the universe. It's in this absence of light, you can often find the painful beauty that exists within the human condition and one that more truthfully aligns with the world as you know it. Learn from the real-life example of insects buzzing through the darkness only to find out too late the danger of flying too close to the light. The following five songs will help you avoid succumbing to the temptation of the light and allow you to embrace your inner darkness and the darkness around you.

*As always, music is subjective and songs don't have the same impact on everyone. Hopefully, you will like these selections and share them with others. If they aren't for you, take this as a wake-up call or an invitation, depending on where music fits in the hierarchy of your life, to search out new and hidden songs from the past and present to nagivgate the darkness in your world.



Sad and Beautiful World by Sparklehorse (1995)


Queen by Perfume Genius (2014)


Lose Your Soul by Dead Man's Bones (2009)


Wake Up, What's the Matter by The Stone Coyotes (1999)


Tomorrow Wendy by Concrete Blonde (1990)

Visit the Spotify Five for Finding playlist compiled from the Five for Finding series

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