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  • Writer's pictureBobman

Five for Finding - Listen Healthier

There's a time for catchy Top 40 pop tunes, but that time isn't all of the time. Consuming only Top 40 commercially served music is like eating snacks for every meal. They're quick, they require little effort to prepare or obtain, and they only satisfy your immediate urges. However, if you eat only snacks, your well-being is going to suffer and deteriorate over time. So, cut back on your music junk food intake, savor the music, and listen healthier. Your body, your mind, and your soul will feel the difference. You can start now by listening to the following five songs, you're not going to find on the menu of any Top 40 stations.

*As always, music is subjective and songs don't have the same impact on everyone. Hopefully, you will like these selections and share them with others. If they aren't for you, take this as a wake-up call or an invitation, depending on where music fits in the hierarchy of your life, to search out new and hidden songs from the past and present in order to create your own recipe for healthy listening.



The Man with the 4-Way Hips by Tom Tom Club


It's Alright by Mother


One Last Wish by The Toll


New Song by Maggie Rogers, Del Water Gap


Stubborn by A Sundae Drive

Visit the Spotify Five for Finding playlist compiled from the Five for Finding series

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