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Sweet dreams were made of this

Photo by Bob Langham

There’s a sheet load of great local music to go around in Houston catering to just about any genre and musical taste, but somehow most of it goes unheard.

Three sheets to the wind

This disconnect has nothing to do with the quantity or the quality of the talent. It’s the megaphone. In this case, the faulty megaphone is the corporately owned radio stations that arbitrarily get to decide what the people get to hear. The commercial radio stations (COMRADS for short) have less interest in what you’ve got to play and say as a local musician than the average commuter has in the squeegee guys who cluster at the busier intersections and claw at your car like zombies on flesh.

Because of this “megaphone dilemma,” unless you constantly have your ear to the ground listening for the trampling beyond your sight and sound line, then you are going to come up short-sighted in your pursuit of musical happiness.

Your musical happiness is in your hands and it can be in your ears.

Hey, what’s that sound?

Put your ear to the ground Houston, and one of the sounds you might hear is Bang Bangz.

Bang Bangz is a Houston electro-pop rock duo (Mario A. Rodriguez and Elizabeth Salazar) that began playing together in 2011. They quickly demonstrated their magnetic appeal to fans of the electro-pop genre, by winning the Best Electronic Act Music Award in 2013.

With their debut CD, “Red City,” Bang Bangz invites you into a soothing dreamscape, a timeless, intoxicating ride pulsating with surges of surreal electric energy. “Red City” is a hypnotic soundtrack tailor made to accompany you on long, late night drives to nowhere, or quiet, meditative moments in the dark early morning hours where dreams still live, before dawn flashes its sinister grin and sweeps them away. “Red City” preserves the dream. Happiness Enthralling

Click here to listen to and download the entire “Red City” CD.

You can also see Bang Bangz perform in Houston at Warehouse Live on December 19, 2013, and at Fitzgerald’s on January 24, 2014.

To find out more about Bang Bangz and keep up with the latest band news and information, follow them on Facebook and Twitter and listen to their music on bandcamp.

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